GCC vs Clang - with MariaDB on ARM

It is a well-known fact that a good compiler can emit an optimal code thereby allowing software to produce better throughput. Clang compiler popularity continues to grow and since I am working mostly on performance issues I am often asked if I have tried MariaDB-on-Arm with clang compiled binaries. Finally, I got some time and decided to try it out.


  • ARM instance: 24 vCPU Kunpeng 920 (2.6 Ghz), 48 GB of memory
  • MariaDB-Server: 10.6 trunk (#76972163)
  • Compiler:
    • clang-11.1
    • gcc-10.1
    • Was also checking the ARM C/C++ compiler but seems like there is licensed version only (please let me knows if there is a free-to-use for opensource community license available).
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Workload: sysbench point-select, read-only, update-index, update-non-index. CPU bound, pattern=uniform(uni)/zipfian(zip).
  • Scalability: 128, 256 (+ 512) threads
  • optimization flags: default (O2), O3, Ofast


read-only workload

The difference is quite marginal in most cases so a normal graph will not be able to capture it clearly so we will use some kind of heat map.

Notes: green cell represents the highest throughput for the said test case. Like for ps-uni (point-select uniform 128 threads), the highest throughput is seen with clang-o3 and lowest with clang-ofast


  • In most cases, clang O2/O3 has performed better than gcc.
  • Ofast fails to perform for both gcc or clang.
  • default (gcc-O2) tend to perform worse/average for most cases. (For no scenario, it is able to perform best).

read-write workload


  • For read-write workload, the picture is quite different. clang-O2 continues to perform worse. clang-O3 average and clang-Ofast fill the missing lower throughput gaps left by clang-O2. In short, clang continues to perform worse for the read-write workload.
  • On other hand, gcc continue to score well for read-write workload with O3 and Ofast giving the best performance.
  • It is interesting to note that only for update-non-index (zipfian) 256 use-case, clang-Ofast score quite well.

increasing scalability/contention further

Based on overall observation it sounds like with a lot of contention and higher throughput clang continues to perform but with normal contention and lower throughput gcc continues to perform. Let’s try to re-confirm this with some more experiments.


  • Again, we continue to see mixed results but with increasing scalability it sounds like gcc with -Ofast tends to score.
  • If we try to consider all the 3 heat-maps and try to score them (-1 for red count and +1 for green count) and add it columnwise then clang -O3 and gcc -Ofast seems to be on-par.

Let’s try to run a full benchmark with all thread scalabilities (1-256) with the short-listed modes (gcc-Ofast, clang-O3)

  • As we could see for read-only workload clang-O3 continue to score marginally but with read-write workload gcc Ofast continue to score with some visible differences.


Based on the said study, there is no clear winner. Depending on use-case at times clang score and at times gcc score. Of-course the optimization mode could be O3 with clang and Ofast with gcc. Also, make a note that -Ofast (optimize very aggressively to the point of breaking standard compliance).

If you have more questions/queries do let me know. Will try to answer them.

Written on October 1, 2021
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